Shonorities’ past projects feature works for a variety of instrumental combinations including female voice and traditional Japanese instruments supported by organisations such as the Japan Foundation, Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, Sawakawa Foundation, Japanese Embassy in Greece, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, British Council and the Greek-Japanese Association. Past performances include the Tokyo University of Music and the Arts, Sogakudo Hall, Sapporo Kitara Concert Hall, Kushiro Cultural Hall in Japan, Canterbury Christ Church University and Riverside Studios in the UK, Thessaloniki Concert Hall, Parnassos Concert Hall, Nakas Conservatoire, Hellenic American Union Theatre and participated in festivals such the Canterbury Festival the Ekon Festival (UK) and the Art Pass Festival (Japan). The group recorded Basil Athanasiadis’ CD ‘Clouds that I Like’ that was released under the UK-based label Saragasso. In 2013 more pieces by Basil Athanasiadis for unique combinations of western and traditional Japanese instruments, were recorded in Japan for new CD releases in 2014 and 2015 (Sargasso) and 2018 (Divine Art Recordings).